Report Post Contact LanChester 92.9
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Harrisburg, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) invites the public to an online plan display regarding the preservation of the Route 741 (Millersville Road) bridge in Lancaster and Pequea townships, Lancaster County.
The purpose of the project is to make repairs to extend the life of the existing steel I-beam bridge on Route 741 (Millersville Road) over the Conestoga River.
The proposed work includes bridge deck resurfacing, expansion joint replacement, painting the entirety of the beams, concrete substructure repair, minor steel repairs, bridge railing repairs, bearing replacements, and guide rail updates.
There will also be roadway approach work involving full depth reconstruction on both sides of the bridge to provide adequate pavement depth once construction is complete. Acquisition of temporary construction easements will be required on the northeast and northwest quadrants of the bridge for access to complete the work.
The Conestoga River is classified as a PA Fish and Boat Commission Water Trail. No work is anticipated within the Conestoga River. However, a Section 4(f) Temporary Occupancy finding will be pursued because the normal path of the water trail will be altered under the bridge while work is being performed overhead. Multiple channels exist between the bridge piers and during construction water trail traffic will be directed through channels where work will not be occurring above to allow for safe passage.
Construction work is estimated to take place in the 2024 construction season. Traffic is proposed to be maintained throughout the duration of the project using short-term lane restrictions. A full detour will be implemented to complete the bridge deck resurfacing and roadway approach work. It is anticipated the detour will be in place for three consecutive weeks. Driveway access will be maintained to all residences at all times during construction.
The purpose of the plans display is to introduce the project and solicit public input, questions, or concerns regarding the project.
Information, including roadway and bridge plans and an interactive comment form, can be found by visiting the PennDOT District 8 website clicking on Public Meetings listed under the Resources heading, and choosing the Lancaster County box then the tile marked Millersville Road Bridge.
A digital version of the information will be available to view online through May 17, 2023.
The purpose of the plans display is to introduce the project and receive public input regarding any questions or concerns with the project. It is also an opportunity for the public to review and comment on the project’s potential effect upon Cultural Resources pursuant to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation’s 36 CFR Part 800 regulations implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.
The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation/interpretation services or have special needs or have special concerns that require individual attention, please contact Lindsay Volker, Project Manager, at (717) 705-6177 or email at
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