We’re excited to announce that our registered website users may now post content to our community’s website. Unlike traditional social media websites, we have given you full control of your posts. So, when you see news happen- or when you want to get the word out about a local event or happening, just head to MyWLRI.com. Then click the “Members” tab. Log in (as needed), enter your post information, insert pictures, video, html code or whatever you feel is necessitous and compelling enough to share with everyone in our community, and the world. You can also browse posts by other neighborhood members and touch base with family. Share important life events of which you want the public to be aware of. Celebrate your birthday, graduation or special event with your community, and make it easier for friends, family and loved ones to safely and securely keep in touch with you and your contribution to our community.
Another way you may now post directly to our community’s website is in our brand spanking new #Community Room chat center. In the CRCC you can easily engage in safe communication with other users, talk with friends, family, co-workers, non-profit group members, stream live video and audio, send files, pictures and emojis. Take your community room conversation private, and talk with MyWLRI Messenger, directly with any of the other registered members that accept your request. Combine all of these features with the wealth of education and entertainment you will find here and you will have no need to pay for any of these services again. Don’t see something? Have a cool idea of what we should add? Send us a direct message. We’re always listening to what you have to say and putting it to practice. Thank you for being the biggest part of what we do, and why we’re doing it.