“With great sadness and regret we note the passing of Joe Geesey, Captain of Detectives (retired).
Joe Geesey was hired by the Lancaster City Police in 1958. He attended the Police Academy at the PSP Academy in Hershey that year.
(1958 file photo at time of hire)/LCBoP
Capt. Geesey had attended classes as Millersville State College in 1954 but his pursuit of a degree was put on hold as he raised a family and underwent a long and successful career with Lancaster City. He re-enrolled at Millersville in 1970 and obtained his Bachelors Degree in Sociology in 1974.
During his career as a Patrol Officer, Geesey received numerous Commendations and letters of appreciation for his work. Joe Geesey went to work in the Detective Division and worked his way through the ranks. In 1967 he attended a Intercounty Detectives School that was hosted by the PA Chiefs of Police and taught by the FBI.
In 1985 Geesey was appointed as Captain of Detectives and he remained there until his retirement from Lancaster City in July 1992. Geesey was not finished with a career in Law Enforcement as he went on to work for the Lancaster County District Attorney’s Office as a Detective until he retired in 2012. Capt. Geesey’s personnel file is filled with letters of appreciation from victims, family members of victims, business owners, civic associations, Law Enforcement agencies, elected officials citizens and more. Joe Geesey was a tenacious investigator and was willing to pass on his knowledge and expertise by speaking to many groups on a variety of law enforcement topics.
Joseph Geesey had a tremendous impact on Law Enforcement in Lancaster City and Lancaster County for many decades. Our condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Captain Joseph Paul Geesey. “…
Lancaster Bureau of Police