Harrisburg, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) announced today there will be lane restrictions next Wednesday night on Route 30 at the Route 30/Route 222 Interchange Improvement Project in Lancaster County.
The lane restrictions will be in place so the contractor can remove barrier on eastbound Route 30 from Route 272 (Oregon Pike) to the ramp to northbound Route 222 and reset it along the shoulders in both directions of Route 30 at the Route 222 overpass.
Weather permitting, this work will be performed from 8:00 PM Wednesday, May 29, to 5:00 AM Thursday, May 30. Lane restrictions will be in place in both directions of Route 30 from Route 272 (Oregon Pike) to Route 23 (New Holland Pike) during those hours.
This work will open the previously closed third lane of eastbound Route 30 from the Chester Road on-ramp to the ramp to northbound Route 222. The barrier will be reset on Route 30 at the Route 222 overpass so work on the new southbound Route 222 bridge to eastbound Route 30 can begin.
Motorists should be alert and drive with caution through the work zone.
The project includes improvements at the Route 222/Route 30 Interchange and reconstructing Route 222 from the interchange north approximately one mile near Stoner Park, which is just south of the Landis Valley Road bridge spanning the highway.
Work on the north side of the interchange includes constructing a second lane on the southbound Route 222 ramp to westbound Route 30 that will tie into the existing northbound Route 272 (Oregon Pike) exit ramp. A third lane will be added from the westbound Route 30 ramp to northbound Route 222 while extending this lane to the existing westbound Route 30 third lane approaching Oregon Pike (Route 272).
Work on the south side of the interchange includes constructing a second ramp lane from eastbound Route 30 to northbound Route 222. The new ramp lane will tie into the existing Route 30 travel lane (right lane), giving drivers using the right lane of eastbound Route 30 the option to continue east or exit to northbound Route 222.
Route 222 will be converted from four lanes to six lanes from the interchange to the north end of the project limits.
Additionally, the two bridges carrying Route 222 ramps over Route 30 will be replaced, with the northbound Route 222 bridge being widened to two lanes. The Eden Road bridge spanning Route 222 north of the interchange will remain in place. Route 222 under the bridge will be lowered to increase clearance under the bridge.
Four lanes of traffic will be maintained during the life of the project.
Motorists should be alert and drive with caution through the work zone.
This project is expected to be completed by September 3, 2027.
JD Eckman, Inc., of Atglen, PA, is the contractor on this $72,173,900 project.