Harrisburg, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is accepting public comments on the draft final general permits (GP) that address methane emissions and other air pollutants from unconventional well sites and from midstream and natural gas transmission facilities. The additional comment period is opening to provide the opportunity for public comment on the updated documents and to comply with the publication and notice requirements in DEP’s regulations.
The 45-day public comment period, which closes May 15, 2018, is to receive comment on the updated draft final versions of GP-5, which is applicable to midstream and natural gas transmission facilities, and the proposed GP-5A, for unconventional well sites and pigging stations. Both general permits incorporate the most current state and federal requirements.
DEP received more than 10,000 comments on the proposed general permits during the initial comment period in 2017. Based on these comments, DEP made several changes to the general permits and the Air Quality Permit Exemptions List, which can be found here: http://www.depgreenport.state.pa.us/elibrary/GetFolder?FolderID=3632
Interested persons may submit written comments on the Draft General Permits and Air Quality Permit Exemption List by Tuesday May 15, 2018. Comments submitted by facsimile will not be accepted. Comments, including comments submitted by e-mail, must include the originator’s name and address. Commentators are encouraged to review the proposed General Permits and Air Quality Permit Exemption List and submit comments using DEP’s online eComment system at www.ahs.dep.pa.gov/eComment or by e-mail to ecomment@pa.gov. Written comments should be submitted to the Policy Office, Department of Environmental Protection, Rachel Carson State Office Building, P.O. Box 2063, Harrisburg, PA 17105-2063.