Within this very condensed period of time, 2,654 calls were made to the Chester County 9-1-1 Center. We experienced 497 incidents of fallen trees, wires blocking roadways and traffic hazards. Our fire departments responded to 168 incidents of hazardous utility poles, downed wires and transformer explosions. There were 127 water rescues, all, thankfully, with no injuries. Tredyfrrin Township was especially hit hard with the highest number of events reported in the County.
While the numbers are impressive, the heroic actions of our First Responders are even more so, and cannot be quantified. For many, this is their life’s calling. But in the context of COVID-19, it is especially impressive. After months of escalated emergency calls due to the pandemic, our county’s first responders remained undaunted during Tuesday’s storm, even as they responded while adhering to all of the precautions necessary to prevent the spread of infection.
To our First Responders this week and always, we say thank you. Your perseverance and unfaltering dedication to service, in a year like no other, is valued and deeply appreciated by all of the residents of Chester County.