Poll: Rural Pennsylvania voters overwhelmingly oppose bans on abortion

By: Danielle Smith Pennsylvanian’s general election takes place in November and a new poll from the Rural Democracy Initiative showed likely voters from rural areas of the state are up for grabs. Patrick Toomey, researcher and partner of Breakthrough Campaigns, said the data in the survey show rural voters are what he called “economic populists,” and do […]

Governor Shapiro Launches Pennsylvania Election Threats Task Force to Ensure Safe, Secure, Free, & Fair Election this November

Governor Shapiro and Secretary Schmidt lead task force of federal, state, and local partners to protect democracy and ensure safe, secure elections in Pennsylvania Harrisburg, PA – As part of his commitment to ensure safe and secure elections in Pennsylvania, Governor Shapiro has established the Pennsylvania Election Threats Task Force. Led by Secretary of the Commonwealth Al Schmidt, the Task […]

Shapiro Administration Encourages Voters, 17-Year-Old High School Students To Sign Up Today To Be Poll Workers In November Election

Department Of State Participates In National Poll Worker Recruitment Day 08/23/2023 ​HARRISBURG, PA – In honor of National Poll Worker Recruitment Day, Secretary of the Commonwealth Al Schmidt today encouraged eligible Pennsylvanians to sign up to serve as poll workers for the Nov. 7 election. “Elections in Pennsylvania could not happen without poll workers, and it takes about […]

Pennsylvania Deadline To Register To Vote In May 18 Primary Fast Approaching

Voting By Mail Remains Extremely Popular With Pennsylvanians More Than 660,000 Voters Already Have Applied For Mail-In Or Absentee Ballots Harrisburg, PA – Acting Secretary of State Veronica W. Degraffenreid today reminded eligible Pennsylvanians that the deadline to register to vote in the May 18 primary is just two weeks away. Voting by mail in the upcoming election […]

Surge in Mail-In Ballots Will Slow PA Count

By: Andrea Sears HARRISBURG, Pa. — A new report suggests the record number of mail-in ballots for this election will take more time to count and may shift election results as they are tallied. More than three million Pennsylvanians requested mail-in ballots for today’s election, and by Monday almost 2.5 million had been returned to county election […]

PA Extended Ballot Return Date Stands

BY: Andrea Sears HARRISBURG, Pa. – A U.S. Supreme Court ruling means mail-in ballots postmarked by Election Day will still be counted, even if they arrive up to three days after the polls close in Pennsylvania. When the state Supreme Court ruled that, because of the COVID pandemic, extending the time for ballots to arrive […]

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