Update: Paving Begins Tonight on Centerville Road at Centerville Road Interchange Improvement Project E. Hempfield Township, Lancaster County

Harrisburg, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) announced today that the work hours and traffic control for paving beginning tonight on Centerville Road at the Centerville Road Interchange Improvement Project in East Hempfield Township, Lancaster County, have changed. The work limits for paving will be from Columbia Avenue (Route 462) to the railroad tracks […]

Traffic Restrictions Next Week at Centerville Road Interchange Improvement Project in E. Hempfield Township, Lancaster County

Contractor to repair guiderail Monday on NB Centerville Road, an attenuator Tuesday on EB Route 30 Harrisburg, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) announced today there will be traffic restrictions next week at the Centerville Road Interchange Improvement Project in East Hempfield Township, Lancaster County. Weather permitting, on Monday, March 4, traffic will be […]

Lane Restriction Wednesday on EB Route 30 at Centerville Road Interchange Improvement Project in E. Hempfield Township, Lancaster County

Left lane to be closed for median attenuator repair; work previously scheduled for tomorrow Harrisburg, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) announced today that a left lane restriction will be in place Wednesday, March 6, on eastbound Route 30 at the Centerville Road overpass in East Hempfield Township, Lancaster County, so a median attenuator […]


Graystone Rd & Landisville Rd East Hempfield Township TANKER 26 RESCUE TASK FORCE 36 RESCUE TASK FORCE 36 DUTY OFFICER ENGINE 23-1 TRUCK 23 RESCUE 23 COLLAPSE 906 COLLAPSE 905 SQUAD 905 COLLAPSE 907 RESCUE 905 SQUAD 64-1 TANKER 69 ENGINE 69-2 SQUAD 209 Download QR 🡻

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